Wednesday 30 January 2013

Interview: Crowded Teeth

What is your greatest achievement?
On my 25th birthday I started a project where I did an illustration a day for a year. I blogged every day, and in the end I made a limited edition handmade book.  I feel like that jumpstarted my career and it made me a much better artist.  Even though some of the drawings aren't great - I'm so glad I stuck with it!

How would you describe your work/style to someone who hadn't seen it?
Sweet, with Japanese and Scandanavian influences, bold colors, and a friendly message.

What piece of advice would you give your 15 year old self?
Sleep now because you may never again!! Haha!I'm not sure really! I think that 15 year old me would be really stoked with what 30 year old me has accomplished. But 30 year old me has so much more to do - it's never enough

When are you happiest?
Saturday mornings. Hanging out with my husband and cats,  sleeping on and off until the early afternoon. A lot of times I work around the clock, and those mornings are the only time that no one can contact me in my bubble.

What is the worst job you have had?
Photo retouching for teen models.  It was the worst!
Other than that I've been pretty lucky!

Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Tori Spelling - mainly because I'm hoping that this movie is a Lifetime Movie.

What is your karaoke song?
If I ever got the nerve to sing karaoke I would sing Careless Whisper. I'm pretty good at "singing" that one in the car, but only when I'm alone.

What do you dislike most about popular culture?
That stupid people are super famous and wealthy for no apparent reason. But I am also guilty of watching those shows so I can't hate too much.

What is the greatest invention of all time? 
I know this is silly, but I'm going to go with contact lenses (I have ones now that I can sleep in!).  I am so blind and without them I would have probably stepped my glasses, been eaten by a mountain lion, and fallen off a cliff.

if you didn't do what you do. What would you do?
Sometimes I dream about being a chef! Whenever I am having bad days I tell my husband I am giving up design and going to culinary school. When I was younger I loved to cook and bake.  I rarely do anymore but when I do I enjoy it. I also love food - so I feel like those things go hand in hand

All images courtesy of

Thursday 24 January 2013


We will be exhibiting at the New York International Gift Fair this coming weekend. We will be at stand 7546 so come by and say 'Hiya!'

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Interview: Anthony Peters

What is your greatest achievement?
I kinda have highlights instead of great achievements, and one of the highlights of my career so far was to have my solo show at Unlimited Editions ( last October.

How would you describe your style to someone who hadn't seen it? 
Deceptively simple block-colour artworks. Occasionally featuring typography, humour, vandalism and/or conceptual thinking.

What piece of advice would you give your 15 year old self?
Patent the idea for a handheld touch screen device as soon as you can… and think about doing Graphic Design instead of Fine Art at University, you will save yourself about 5 years of procrastination.

When are you happiest?
When making cardboard structures & paintings with my kids or whenever I’m walking the dog down near the sea.

What is the worst job you have had?
Numerous factory jobs when I was teenager probably feature highly. The  machinery of mass production fascinates me, but the fact that many of the brilliant people I worked with felt worthless or stuck was heartbreaking, and some managers fully exploited this.

Who would play you in the movie of your life? 
A few people have mentioned in the past that I look like a young(er) James Spader… Maybe he could play the old me… But I would like either Macauley Culken for his amazing comedy timing or Ryan Gosling.

What is your karaoke song?
Last time I did Karaoke I did God Save The Queen by the Sex Pistols and Turn Back Time by Cher… Go figure!

What do you dislike most about popular culture?
How disposable everything is, we consume things so quickly and are losing our relationship to the ‘tactile’ objects of the analog age. Plus with everything being immediately available no one has any patience any more!

What is the greatest invention of all time? 
A pencil or drawing implement, probably sped up our mental and social evolution tenfold. Instructions, warnings, cautionary tales and historical facts were now transferable without dilution for generations and generations due to writing / drawing implements.

if you didn't do what you do, what would you do?
Astral Physics or Wildlife Photography, though the answer to this question would change week to week… Last week it would have been set designer for Wes Anderson movies… 

All images courtesy of

Tuesday 22 January 2013

The ONCA Gallery

Stumbled across this gorgeous paper display in The ONCA Gallery window. The layering is just amazing, well worth a visit if you live in the Brighton area. 

Monday 21 January 2013

Thursday 10 January 2013

Free Grafika diary or calendar.

We are offering you guys a free Grafika Diary or Calendar with every order over £40.00. Simply state which product you would like to receive in the comments section and we will send it out with your order.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Interview: Ellie Tzoni

How would you describe your work/style to someone who hadn't seen it?
Bold, fun, minimalist design with lots of textures, animals and patterns.

What piece of advice would you give your 15 year old self?
I wouldn't - Making mistakes is the best way to learn. 

When are you happiest?
Sitting at the dinner table with my family, exploring new places, going to exhibitions and seeing my friends. 

What is the worst job you have ever had?
Kitchen Porter - I spilt the entire contents of the deep fat fryer on the floor on my first day and never went back. 

Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Jodie Foster.

What is your karaoke song?
I try and stay away from the mic.

What do you dislike most about popular culture?
I don't see popular culture as a negative - and I'm a sucker for reality TV.

What is the greatest invention of all time?
The internet. Followed by Ren and Stimpy, and burritos. 

If you didn't do what you do, what would you do?
I wouldn't mind working in 3D, maybe product design or sculpture.

All images courtesy of