Friday 21 December 2012

Because it's Friday..... Mariah Carey

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, from the 1973 team x

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Interview: Jon May

What is your greatest achievement?
I'm quite pleased with my recent batch of home made ale, it's surprisingly tasty. Besides that getting a commission from the other side of the world off the back of a personal project was pretty amazing. 

How would you describe your work/style to someone who hadn't seen it?
I'm enjoying experimenting with old fashioned type and lettering so there's quite a bit of that going on right now. 

What piece of advice would you give your 15 year old self?
Smoking is not cool young man, and the world will not end in 1999. Buy shares in Apple or Google. Believe in yourself.

When are you happiest?
Setting off on an adventure, eating a rare rib-eye steak with chips and salad, riding my bike on the South Downs and spending time with my girlfriend. 

What is the worst job you have ever had?
Working as a waiter at a popular bar on Brighton seafront was a fairly thankless task. 

Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Daniel Day Lewis, he's pretty versatile right.

What is your karaoke song?
After a Christmas works do at Lucky Voice, I discovered I was allergic karaoke. Or just crap. If pushed it would have to be something by Paul Simon, probably 'You Can Call Me Al'. 

What do you dislike most about popular culture?
The blind fascination with celebrity.

What is the greatest invention of all time?
Electricity is pretty useful. 

If you didn't do what you do, what would you do?
I'm sure I'd find something. 
All images courtesy of

Friday 14 December 2012

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Interview: Thomas Slater

What is your greatest achievement?
Not getting kicked out of school. I'm kidding. I think it's something that I haven't achieved yet and am looking forward to. Although being able to make drawings for a living is something I'm working on. I'm not quite there yet but that will be pretty amazing. 

How would you describe your work/style to someone who hadn't seen it?
Fun, colourful, contemporary, traditionals, sarcastic, charming. Whatever suits the project but, generally I'm trying to make people smile whilst learning something new about my own working methods. 

What piece of advice would you give yourself? 
Skate more, draw more.

When are you happiest?
Staying up late and finishing a drawing. Listening to Westwood on a Saturday night with beers and my homies. Visiting a European city with my girlfriend, or holidays with my amazing family. 

What is the worst job you have ever had?
The only bad job I haven't had is cleaning toilets! You have to find positives in every job or you'll go mad. 

Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Tom Cruise.

What is your karaoke song?
'Upside Down' by Diana Ross or something by the stones. 

What do you dislike most about popular culture?
I'm a lover not a hater.

What is the greatest invention of all time?
The bicycle.

If you didn't do what you do, what would you do?

images courtesy of

1973 Re-worked ... a Grafika Christmas tree.

We were sent the link to this via our Facebook page. We just love this cute tree made from our Grafika Gift Tags by Muriel Charvet from the blog 'Une touche de ..... Le Pingouin de lespace'. What do you guys think?

Images courtesy of

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Interview: Mikey Burton.

What is your greatest achievement?
Going back to speak at my alma mater. My parents came and listened, and were so proud they both shed a tear (I hope that's why they were crying)

How would you describe your work/style to someone who hadn't seen it?
Geometric shapes that look letterpressed with a responsible number of bears sprinkled throughout. 

What piece of advice would you give your 15 year old self?
Play less soccer, draw more and buy vinyl (not cds)

When are you happiest?
I'm on the fence. It's either when I'm working, or when I'm eating a sandwich.

What is the worst job you have ever had?
Washing dishes. I didn't necessarily hate it, but it was my worst job. 

Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Jack Black. If I was skinner, Mark Ruffalo.

What is your karaoke song?
Oddly enough, I've only done karaoke once in my life and I'm not the best. I wish I could pull off an epic rendition of "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore" by the Walker Brother. 

What do you dislike most about popular culture?
Lack of phone etiquette.

What is the greatest invention of all time?
Coffee..... or penicillin.

If you didn't do what you do, what would you do?
My dad is a jeweller, and so was my grandpa. Not that my dad pressured me, but I kinda left the family business which always make me a little sad. It has always provided a great living, so i'd probably be doing that. I would also like to let my beard grow and hair grow long, and spend the rest of my days letter pressing in the woods. 

all images courtesy of

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Featured!! The Independent.

Our Woodland gift wrap was featured on The Independent website. Check out our wrap along with 9 other festive papers here

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Interview: Tom Frost.

What is your greatest achievement?
A year ago I would have said that it was making a living doing something I love. Now it is definitely getting our little boy Harry, unscathed through his first year on earth. 

How would you describe your work/style to someone who hadn't seen it?
A modern, fresh aesthetic with a nod, to the stylings of yesteryear. 

What piece of advice would you give your 15 year old self?
Step the hell away from the stonewash denim. 

When are you happiest?
At the moment it is watching my son grow more and more gorgeous everyday. That and having a relaxing ale, in front of the fire, when he is finally quietly sleeping in bed!

What is the worst job you have ever had?
Saturday boy in my local chemist when I was sixteen. Just because I was wearing a white coat doesn't mean you can show me ailments, and ask me which cream I would recommend. Not for £2.70 an hour. 

Who would play you in the movie of your life?
A muppet controlled by the late great Jim Henson.

What is your karaoke song?
For everyones sake it would be 4'33" by John Cage.

What do you dislike most about popular culture?
The amount of money that is spent televising dumb, orange rich prats and glorified pub singers in 'talent' contest. I am positive that vast amounts of money could be far better spent elsewhere.

What is the greatest invention of all time?
At present, the nappy!

If you didn't do what you do, what would you do?
Something involving woodworking and restoration. Or a chef.

All images courtesy of

Monday 26 November 2012

Featured: Living etc.

Our Grafika boxes were featured in this months Living etc, Christmas edition. Perfect for you out there who hate to wrap presents.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Interview: Tad Carpenter.

What is your greatest achievement?
Tricking my wife into going on a date with me and then to marry me. Professionally, my greatest achievement is just being paid to something I love every single day. I feel so lucky to work in the field we all love. 

How would you describe your work to someone who hadn't seen it?
Playful-ish, whimsical-ish, clever-ish?

What piece of advice would you give your 15 year old self?
Keep on making. I knew when I was 15 I wanted to be a designer, illustrator or artist. I would tell myself to keep on creating every single day. The more you make the more you identify with who you are as a maker. 

When are you happiest?
I love spending time with my family. Luckily, my wife, father and mother are artists and designers so we talk about what we are all working on a lot and how we can improve it. It sounds really silly but I love so much what we all get to do for a living and I really am happy when I'm working. 

What is the worst job you have ever had? 
Waiting tables. People like to complain a lot and complain about nothing. I feel I got a lot of that when waiting tables. I was really not that good at the waiting game. 

Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Ah Jeez? I have no idea at all? That would be the most boring movie ever! Who do you think? (My Heritage suggested Liam Neeson)

What is your karaoke song?
Baby Got Back? Or anything by Journey or Spingsteen.

What do you dislike most about popular culture?
I really dislike how reality TV stars are everywhere and endorsing everything. I feel like enough is enough there.

What is the greatest invention of all time?
Is the internet a cop out? I would say Thomas Edison did some nice things too.

If you didn't do what you do, what would you do?
I would love to design furniture, ceramics or even architecture. If it was something totally different I actually love sports and being active. I might do something in that area. 

all images courtesy of