Interview: Naomi Wilkinson.

What is your greatest achievement?
I think that whatever happens in the future I'll never be as excited as I was when I got my first proper commission when I finished Uni a couple of months ago. People paying you to draw is the best. 

How would you describe your work/style to someone who hadn't seen it? 
I would say folksy, fun and influenced by mid century graphics. 

What piece of advice would you give you 15 year old self?
Put that down and turn off that music

When are you happiest?
I'm happiest when on a sunny autumn day when I've got a strong coffee to go, playing some Jake Thackray and I'm at the beginning of a really exciting piece of work or project that I can't wait to start.

What is the worst job you have ever had?
It was working at a University in the medical library coffee and snack kiosk. I was working on my own, it was deadly silent and I served about 3 people a day and they were usually stressed out, rude medical students. 

Who play you in the movie of your life?
Maxine Peake (mainly because I want to be her friend)

What is your karaoke song?
'No Diggity' by Black Street

What do you dislike most about popular culture?
Jeremy Clarkson

What is the greatest invention of all time?
The Radio

If you didn't do what you do, what would you do?
I would love to have my own radio show on a station like 6 music (ideally I would like to actually be Jarvis Cocker) 

All images courtesy of

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Interview: Pintachan.

What is your greatest achievement?
Getting to love off my work while forming a family with my two amazing kids.

How would you describe your work/style to someone who hadn't seen it?
Retro, naïve, childish....... These are the words that come to mind when describing my work. It's an aesthetic language that I identify myself with. Although it is mainly a direct and kind medium to wrap ideas or concepts that don't necessarily belong to a kids world.

What piece of advice would you give your 15 year old self?
Buy as much acid strawberry chewing gum as you can, they're going to be discontinued. 

When are you happiest?
Spending time with my children, playing Lego.

What is the worst job you have ever had?
Having to manually manufacture 3000 badges at full throttle in just one day.

Who would play you in the movie of your life?
I'd love to have Michael Caine, though I see Peter Sellers more in it?

What is your karaoke song?
"Sunshine, Lollipops & Rainbows" by Lesley Gore.

What do you dislike most about popular culture?
The fact that Robbie the Robot did not get to be UN president.

What is the greatest invention of all time?
Liquorice and the Internet, at the same level.

If you didn't do what you do. What would you do?
I'd travel back in time to join Jim Henson's company.

All images courtesy of

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Interview: Michael Arnold.

What is your greatest achievement?
My greatest achievement so far was appearing in 'Computer Arts Projects' for my work on The how To Project. I was bragging about that for weeks. 

How would you describe your work/style to someone who hadn't see it?
I would describe it as complicated things in a simple way that makes people say 'that's cool, I want that'.

What piece of advice would you give your 15 year old self?
Cut your hair, chump

When are you happiest?
In the mornings, when I have the place to myself and I can listen to Sam Cooke really loud.

What is the worst job you have ever had?
I was once asked to design a poster for a DJ night on a tight deadline. The guy basically kept adding more and more information and changes he wanted that took away from everything I had illustrated. And then last minute went with his friend's design because he had gone "all space cadet" on him for not asking him, whatever that means.....

Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Marlon Brando - The Godfather version.

What is your karaoke song?
Ben E. king - Stand By Me.

What do you dislike most about popular culture?
Those trousers where the crotch is really low.

What is the greatest invention of all time?
I couldn't think of a funny answer for this one so I'm going to have to say my iPhone. It's the kind of invention that has changed the running of people's day to day lives in a way that you can't imagine how you did things before you had it. 

If you didn't do what you do. What would you do?
I'd probably be either a Pilot or a Chef. I love booth of those things. 

all images courtesy of

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Top Drawer A/W 2012.

We are exhibiting at Top Drawer (16-18 September) at London's Olympia. Our is stand G87 so come say 'Hi'

1973 Loves.. Hygge Cooperative Wallpaper

Bright, innovative, fresh and colourful are words one uses to describe Hygge Cooperative's products. Set up in 2007, their beautiful designs range from the finely illustrated to the boldly graphic. We love their exciting new approach to home interiors. 

all images courtesy of

Thursday 6 September 2012

Featured!! Living Etc.

In their recent '50 of the Best' editorial Living Etc featured several of our gift wraps framed. This technique is a great and inexpensive way to decorate your walls. By using a NYTTJA  frame from Ikea you could get a wall filler for under a £10.00.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Interview: Nicholas Frith.

What is your greatest achievement?
Ask me in 20 years.

How would you describe your work/style to someone who hadn't seen it?
Hmm.... this is like trying to describe music.... But I guess, I'd say it's mind-century children's book inspired, with a sense of playfulness, using a limited palette and often featuring animals, food and the odd bit of typography.

What piece of advice would you give your 15 year old self?
It's okay to like Nirvana and Bobby Brown.

When are you happiest?
When I'm not thinking about happiness.

What is the worst job you have ever had?
Supermarket checkout monkey. That beep-beep of the till buttons and barcodes scanner invades your brain, as if each beep is a brain cell or part of your soul disappearing. 

Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Vincent Gallo. Or if it was a musical, Jermaine Clement (Flight of the Conchords)

What is your Karaoke song? 
I've never done karaoke, but I think it'd probably be a Tom Waits tune. Oh, no, I know, 'I don't wanna talk about it' by Crazy Horse. It would have to be right at the end of the night. Unsurprisingly I'd be a little worse for wear and people would yell and throw things at me, but i'd be so in to it. I'd be in a place between heartbreak, passing out and sweet joy. It'd be terrible.

What do you dislike most about popular culture?
Oh god, where to start? People's evermore greedy expectant attitudes, Tesco club cards, celebrity this-and-that, the blame culture, throw away mentality, big companies trying to convince us to settle for less, rip-off 'special offers'.......

What is the greatest invention of all time?
The T-shirt.

If you didn't do what you do, what would you do?
I'd open a cafe with my other-half. I actually spent years thinking of doing just that. Taking research notes everywhere I went , from Australia to Sweden, London to Wellington. I'd also love to be a brewer of delicious craft beer, or a novelist-come-freediver living on a bougainvillea covered Mediterranean island. 

All images courtesy of